Thursday, March 29, 2012

Library Notes Week March 26

If you have a teen at your house or know one remind them of the Teen Scavenger Hunt we are hosting, Thurs., April 5th from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Middle school and high school students need to come to the library at 3:00, bring a digital camera (or phone with camera) and will be sent out to find library critters that have escaped to various businesses around town. Snap a picture – they are too shy to be captured any other way – and report back to the library with proof of where the critters are hiding out. Prizes will be awarded to the one who finds them in the fastest time. (A very special thank you to the merchants who are participating by hosting a critter in their shop)

We love getting new books. Here are a few you might be interested in reading.

No Mark Upon Her by Deborah Crombie. When a K9 search-and-rescue team discovers a woman's body tangled up with debris in the river, Scotland Yard Superintendent Duncan Kincaid finds himself heading an investigation fraught with complications. The victim, Rebecca Meredith, was a talented but difficult woman with many admirers—and just as many enemies. An Olympic contender on the verge of a controversial comeback, she was also a high-ranking detective with the Met—a fact that raises a host of political and ethical issues in an already sensitive case.

Chasing Midnight by Randy Wayne White. At a reception hosted by a notorious Russian black marketeer, Doc Ford uses darkness, and his friend Tomlinson, as cover to get an underwater look at the billionaire's yacht. By the time Ford surfaces, everything has changed. Environmental extremists have taken control of the island. Or are they thugs hired by the Russian's competitors? Whatever the motive, they have herded everyone together and threatened to kill one hostage every hour until midnight unless their demands are met-at which point they will just blow everybody up.

The Thief by Clive Cussler. On the ocean liner Mauretania, two European scientists with a new invention are barely rescued from abduction by the Van Dorn Detective Agency's chief investigator, Isaac Bell. Unfortunately, they are not so lucky the second time. The thugs attack again-and this time one of the scientists dies. What are they holding that is so precious? Only something that will revolutionize business and popular culture-and perhaps something more. For war clouds are looming, and a ruthless espionage agent has spotted a priceless opportunity to give the Germans an edge. It is up to Isaac Bell to figure out who he is, what he is up to, and stop him.

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