Thursday, November 17, 2011

Library Notes Week of Nov. 14

The library is part of one of the Recovery Grants you may have heard of a year or so ago. The grant we are involved in is for computer training labs. Because of the grant, we have been able to upgrade the software on our laptops and purchase special equipment so we can access the Internet for all the laptops (as long as there is cell service). This makes it possible to take our lab anywhere for classes. We are looking forward to offering more computer classes. If you are interested in basic computer training—or any computer training we may not have offered in the past—give us a call at 466-3352.

The reviews this week are from KJ Cooper, our Children’s Specialist. She has given us the plots of three newer Young Adult titles.

Delirium by Lauren Oliver. Imagine a world where there is a cure for love (amor deliria nervosa) which you must take upon turning eighteen. No more sweaty palms, difficulty focusing, loss of appetite or obsessive thoughts. Lena Haloway believes the government regulation is justified since her mother took her own life over love. But then she meets Alex --before she turns eighteen.

Beauty Queens by Libba Bray. A plane full of beauty pageant contestants goes down crashes on a small tropical island. The first few days after the crash, the Texan contestant insisted they continue practicing interview questions and dance routines. It soon becomes obvious that building shelter, finding food and survival are much higher priorities. Plus, larger threats exist on the island in the form of an American mega-corporation involved with shady activities and a secret arms deal between a human-rights violating dictator and presidential wannabe, Ladybird Hope. As the girls learn what’s really going on, they learn to define themselves beyond beauty pageants.

Tiger’s Quest by Colleen Houck. This second book of a trilogy picks up right where Tiger’s Curse leaves off. Kelsey Hayes has returned from India where she risked her life to rescue a handsome prince from a terrible curse. Back home in Oregon, she’s determined to move on, but Ren (the prince) is not willing to let her walk away from him and the second part of the curse. All of that is complicated by the fact that she has met LI, an ordinary fellow who could offer her an unremarkable life.

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