Monday, December 29, 2008

Library Notes week of December 29

What wild weather we have been having!! Many of you know I moved from Central Washington three years ago to avoid snowy weather. Seems it happens here once in awhile. It may have been confusing if you tried to get to the library during the snow. Our policy here is to close when the La Conner School District closes due to bad weather. With most of our staff from areas outside La Conner it helps cut down on travel when the roads are bad. We also don’t want you risking life and limb to return that book or video. Don’t worry if you are late, we totally understand.

When you get out you might want to check out one of these new books.

Night of Thunder by Stephen Hunter. Nikki Swagger is seriously injured when a hit man runs her car off the road in Tennessee hill country. Despite Swagger's fears that the legion of enemies he's made over the years are responsible for the attack, the former marine leaves Nikki vulnerable to another attempt on her life in the hospital where she's being treated—an attempt foiled only by chance in the nick of time.

The Gifted Gabaldon Sisters by Lorraine Lopez. Lopez's engaging novel chronicles how four sisters' lives are shaped by the early loss of their mother and their belief that they were granted magical abilities upon the death of an enigmatic loved one.

Tsar by Ted Bell. Alex Hawke fights the leaders of a new and invigorated Russia, where Vladimir Putin has been locked up in a lethal prison built over a massive radioactive waste site. Evil mastermind Count Ivan Korsakov (aka the Dark Rider) is determined to return Mother Russia to her rightful place in the world order by reacquiring her former colonies, after which he intends to conquer Europe and reign as the new tsar. The only thing standing in his way is Hawke, who is more than up to the task of thwarting those who try to take over the globe.